Monday 21 May 2012

Narrative Project - More paper clay

My papaer clay dandelion piece was bisque fired inside the bowl I made it in (just to be safe). When it came out of the kiln it got stuck to the bowl though :( I thought twas ruined! But with the tap of a hammer it came out and escaped with one little unnoticable breakage :) ------>>>

I made two more of these dandelion pieces from paper clay ( the exact same way as last time so I wont go into detail ) but left a hole at the top of them this time.

I wanted to make seeds that are blowing off of the dandelion head, which is why I left a hole. To make these seeds I folded them the exact same way as the "ribbons" I used to construct my pieces. I made a dozen of these seeds. I then got a thin wire and made a hole through the bottom of each seed so i could thread a wire through them once they were bisque fired :)

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