Thursday, 1 March 2012

Print! - Clutter mini project

We were given a mini one day project on "clutter". I thought and thought about it but couldnt come up with any different idea other than actual clutter. So I decided to base my project on the ornamental clutter in the bathroom, shells. If I was going to do clutter I wanted to do something beautiful so the shells were perfect.
I began by taking 4 pictures as the project brief stated...

<-- my fav

I chose to use my first and favourite photo and drew it onto my acetate and etched it in using a compass. Dry point was my favourite print process so I definately wanted to do it again. Having my sheet prepared the night before I got straight to work the next morning.

After doing 5 or 6 of these dry point prints I started experimenting with mono printing over them to try and create shadow and light within the picture. It was a bit time consuming but I came up with 3 finished prints, each slightly different. They didnt turn out how I expected but I did the best I could do and I am pleased with what I got done in a day :)

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