Monday 9 January 2012


After talking to my tutors, it was suggested that I take a different slant on my project. By melting something its shape and form changes.. So by taking an object such as a shoe and making it out of something else (assemblage), the shape and form of that object will be changed also.
Before taking on the task of making a shoe, I did a few sketches of shoes using charcoal, pencil and pen.
To begin with, I cut a trainer shoe up along its seams. I then used these parts as a template. I traced around them onto a piece of purple paper and cut them out. I stuck the pieces together with double sided tape as glue would be very messy.
I wasnt happy with this shoe as the paper was very flimsey. I repeated the steps but with a cereal box instead to give my shoe a bit more strength.

I made another two: one out of card board covered in oats and one out of acetate splattered in paint. I also attemped making one out of straws and cans but they didnt work out for me. The cereal box shoe above is my favourite :)

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