Wednesday 18 January 2012


As part of the Vis Com discipline we get to do a week of typography :) My project is based on the metaphor "A glowing review". As soon as we got our project brief and metaphor, ideas immediately springed into mind! I decided to use the word "review" and try out different ways to make it glow.
Firstly I researched different font types to find one that best suited the word "review". I thought a simple hand written font was one of the best suited as reviews can be hand written.
I also want to work with light to get the glowing theme across. So taking my font, I traced it onto black paper and cut it out carefully with a scalpel. I then glued this to an A3 sheet of acetate, held it up to a lamp and photographed it.
It is very simple but I think it is very effective and I am pleased with my first attempt! :)

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