Monday 21 May 2012

Narrative Project - Paper Clay

Working with paperclay took a little more time than the normal clay and was very delicate, like paper! I had to make these sheets of clay by spreading the paper clay slip over a plaster block with a soft rubber kidney, it was like icing a cake! Once I made sure I had spread it out evenly I left it to dry for 10 to 12 mins before pulling up around two sides of the sheet with a metal kidney tool. I then peeled the sheet of clay off the plaster carefully making sure it didnt tear and kept the sheet covered in plastic to prevent it from drying further. I made 7 of these sheets.

Once the sheets were made I got to work! I cut off the uneven edges using a ruler and a potters knife and then cut the clay into strips of about 1cm/1.5cm wide.

Now here is what my "ribbons" look like! I just folded the strip of paper clay and pressed the clay together with a little paper clay slip where ever it joined. (no need to score it this time)

Like the last time, I built these "ribbons" up inside the bowl and pressed them into shape. I also joined each piece in the bowl with a little paper clay slip.

After an hour or so I ended up with this full bowl which looks like spaghetti or a honeycomb! Again I left it to harden a bit over night before I removed it from the bowl.

And heeere it is! I am very happy with this piece although it is quite delicate!

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