We were given a narrative project in which we had to base a ceramic piece on a quote, poem, saying, story etc. I started by doing some simple brainstorming as I had no idea where to go!
After this I decided to focus on films and narrowed it down to one of my favourite films PS I Love You. I watched the film and took down quotes which I liked and found interesting.
"Shoot for the moon and if you miss you will still be among the stars", was what I decided to go with. We were given a list of words that we could match our quotes or whatever up with so it might be easier to work on. I thought my quote was like a "wish" so I went with that. I started drawing up pictures of things to do with wishes, wishing wells, stars etc. It wasnt until I painted a picture of someone blowing a dandelion that I noticed the dandelion seeds look like shooting stars.
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